Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Secret places are the most holy places too.
“Across the inside of the Tabernacle, hang a special curtain made of fine linen, with cherubim skilfully embroidered into the cloth using blue, purple and scarlet yarn. Hang this inner curtain on gold hooks set into four posts made from acacia wood and overlaid with gold. the posts will fit into silver bases. When the inner curtain is in place, put the Ark of the Covenant behind it. This curtain will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.” Exodus 27:31-33
“At that moment, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart...” Matthew 27:51
“The curtain in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” Mark 15:38
“The light from the sun was gone. And suddenly, the thick veil hanging in the Temple was torn apart.” Luke 23:46
Plus here is a few facts about this curtain: It was 10 metres tall by 20 metres wide, and was a thickness of approx 8 centimetres. It weighed about 4 to 6 tonnes and needed about 300 priests to carry it into place. It is said that two teams of oxen pulling in the opposite direction could not tear this curtain. This curtain was a whole lot different to the one found in your bedroom, it was more like the curtain found at a theatre to separate the stage from the audience, and a whole lot thicker than those!
And what’s my point of all this you ask? When Jesus was crucified and took all the sin of human kind upon him, atoning it once-and-for-all, and crushing his last breath out of his body - this amazing event took place over in the Temple at the same time; a curtain tore from top-to-bottom.
What is so important about this, that three of the four gospels recorded it?
Here is a simple answer. Intimacy.
Jesus was the final atonement, the final sacrifice, the final lamb to spill it’s blood - He was grace put into human form, to end the division between God and his people - and God was showing us the most incredible thing. “I want to dwell in intimacy with you, anyplace, anytime.”
This curtain you see, was a division from The Holy Place, and The Most Holy Place. It was a division which created a room where the Ark of the Covenant and God’s presence dwelt, and only once a year the high priest would go to atone the sins of Israel. His presence was so strong that the priest would have to go in their with a rope tied around his leg so that the other priests could pull him out.
By the act of God tearing the curtain (and I say God, because the curtain tore from top to bottom, so if you read those facts about this curtain again, you will realise how impossible it would be for a group of humans to have done it this way) God was showing human kind that He no longer would just dwell behind the curtain, separated from the defiled, sinful people. He would instead be intimate and involved with every person, because the sacrifice to make everyone holy had just happened.
And here is my point. Even the most secret places, are God’s most holiest places.
We defile our secret places by what we do in them, yet here’s the scary bit: the intimate, all-seeing, all-knowing, omnipresent God... was there also.
It turns out our secret places aren’t really that secret huh?
Our God is not just a God of intimacy when we gather for a church meeting, He is also a God of intimacy when we are chatting online, watching DVDs, reading Asterix comics, masturbating, listening to music, studying, writing blogs, day-dreaming, playing sport, gossiping, drawing, looking at things we should be looking at - and looking at things we shouldn’t... I think you get the drift...
God is a God of intimacy, I pray you have a revelation of what God’s intimacy really looks like, and what this miracle of the Temple curtain tearing means to you right now as you sit here reading this and pondering on it.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Persecution moment.
I was just praying for the persecuted church (we had a representative of Open Doors come to church last night and share with us about it, so it’s conviction is still hot on my heart) and the Holy Spirit gave me those words once I finished. Talk about a bit of an un-comfortable moment.
Do I live outside the box of conformity enough? Does my light shine from outside of the conformed culture in this country, or is it stuffed away under some bucket. Is my salt flavourless and dull, or is it still preserving what Jesus did for each and every person in this world.
When I was praying for the persecuted church just before, I grasped a sense of how genuine and sold-out these people are in their faith, it truly was a convicting moment, we don’t even know the meaning of the word “radical” compared to what their faith looks like.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
One election down. One to go.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tattoo blog comment
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
1. Obedience is part of a cycle - Deuteronomy 5 and 6
The ten commandments are more than just a nice, moral teaching for Sunday School, or a good idea for a bookmark to buy at a Christian book store.
Breakdown: God who knows all lays down a Commandment for our benefit > We choose whether to obey it > We verb the obey (do or do not) > Consequence.
- God who knows all - Outside of time, outside of hindsight, above situations, always seeing the bigger picture
- We choose - Obedience is an act of submission - an act of saying “OK, you know better.”
- Verb it - Obedience mobilises the bigger strategy
- Consequence - Award or the disaster, the award ceremony or the shipwreck.
Jesus bought the “moral” commandments back to being “heart attitudes”
Out of anger comes violence, wars, murders...
Out of adultery comes unwanted children, comes broken homes, separated families...
Jesus is saying here, “You are so careful to not murder, to be seen breaking this law with your flesh, but I say what is your heart doing? What is the secret place up to? Cause this is where it all starts.”
3. Today’s offer on the table with grace for dessert - Romans 6, 7 and 8
In these chapters, Paul beautifully collides the Law of Moses with the Grace of God and shows us what’s on the table for today.
It’s important to realise that the 10 Commandments are not irrelevant today. Jesus stating he did not come to abolish the law - Matthew 5:17-20
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
- Paul stresses to us that we are meant to grow. He refers to how the diet of the Corinthians was still one of milk, rather than the solid food that they should be on by now. Just like a diet for a child changes as they grow, our diet as Christians is meant to grow. He refers to them as being infants, and I kind of get the sense that he is saying, "Come one guys... I thought you would have been bigger than this by now!" Paul is stressing that growth is meant to happen. If it is not, there is something wrong. We are stinted somewhere.
- That we have a choice to how strong we grow. In verses 10-12, Paul wonderfully explains how the foundation of our faith is Jesus Christ. Think about this for a second, it's not the Church, it's not another leader in the church... it's completely, rock-solidly, never changing, forever will be, Jesus Christ. He is the foundation. It's then up to us as to what we build on that. In verse 12, he says that we have the building materials of gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay or straw. I had one massive thought at this point... "How many times do we build with straw, when we should actually be building with gold? Do we build with the effort and care required to build a golden temple with our faith, or do we just throw some sticks together and some straw over the top and call that our temple of our faith." In verse 16 and 17, Paul tells us that the Holy Spirit lives in us. Well, what kind of temple have you built for the Holy Spirit to dwell in? Is it a straw hut? Or is it a golden palace...
- Paul clearly states that our growth is our responsibility. Not our pastor, not our favourite authors, not the podcasts we listen to, the blogs we read... it is not their responsibility for me to grow. It is mine. Throughout chapter 3, Paul is saying this to the people of Corinth, and I love how the chapter closes. "So don't take pride in following a particular leader. Everything belongs to you: Paul and Apollos and Peter; the whole world and life and death; the present and the future. Everything belongs to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God." It's like he is saying... "You have everything you need to change this world. Do it. Full charge ahead. Why? Because everyone is equal, we are all part of this incredible Creation of God, all on the same playing field. Jesus is our foundation, and God is our Father. No one is above or below in Christ, some of us just take the job at hand a bit more seriously than others..."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Book overload
- 1 Corinthians - Paul the Apostle
- Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
- Jesus came to save Christians - Rob Bell
- Leadership Gold - John C. Maxwell
- Death by Love - Mark Driscoll
- Purity - A new moral revolution - Kris Vallotton
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
- It is not a bad thing to prepare and aim for excellence. We put a lot of effort into the worship - spiritually, musically and graphically. It was all to minimise distraction and increase effectiveness with what we were trying to achieve.
- Looking back helps us look forward. We pulled out plenty of golden oldies for the conference, but we also balanced it with brand new songs. Conference is a time to almost "showcase" the new songs that are working in our churches, we pulled out a lot of celebration and outward-looking songs because when we looked back, we realised we don't do those well. By looking back, we saw our previous weaknesses. We looked back even further into Church history and pulled out hymns too to really get the place going. All I can say about the night we did Holy, Holy, Holy is "... ."
- Cultural diversity brings a smorgasbord of creativity. We had an American middle-aged woman on keyboard, a middle-aged Pacific-Islander on bass and BVs, a young, white, jazz-student drummer, an even younger and whiter bass player for the mornings, a young adult, white male on electric guitar, a middle-aged mum on flute and BVs and myself on gat and lead vocal... and when we all put our bit in there, angels came. I'm not kidding. Froly Horn came up to me afterwards and told me she saw angels worshipping with us in one of the sessions. The sounds, the sensitivity, the rock'n'roll...it was all as broad as the ocean. All thanks to a cultural and age diversity of people bringing their creativity to the fore.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Apostolic people
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Prayer room overview
- Sunday night 12:00am-1:00am: Wept, sung, sorted out some junk, wept more, worshipped...
- Tuesday night 8:00pm-10:00pm: Prayed for the youth of our nation, schools, universities, got prayed for by some youth and was on the floor in a flash. Some very powerful prophetic words that I was waiting on God for answers where brought forward...
- Wednesday night 12:00am-1:00am: Was joined by Paul, we prayed together for the church, really outward focused and lots of asking God about the things we long to see
- Thursday night 10:00pm-11:00pm: Prayed with Gab and our relationship
- Thursday night 12:00am-2:00am: Had an alone time for the first time since Sunday, was really good and personal, but ending up doing a lot of "soaking" prayer... ;)
- Friday night 12:00am-1:00am: Had an incredible time of journalling and sorting out some hard "lacking" issues with God, which tied in a lot with some stuff I had been reading all week through out Luke. I then got to take it all to the cross and get real about it. It was incredible :)
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jesus? Amazed?

I was reading this morning the story of the Roman officer in Luke 7, and was blown away at the Roman officer's faith once again, but for the first time noticed another detail I have previously missed.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
24/7 prayer - Part I
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Bible ripped today...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hardcore? More like nothing-core
A brief theology of worship leadership
Worship is the debt being paid back to God for the atonement of our sin (His sacrifice of sending his Son to redeem us once and for all on the cross). This is not just a song sung in a worship service, instead, Romans 12 paints a picture far bigger than that and states that we are to “give [y]our entire bodies to God, letting them be a living and holy sacrifice“ (1) It is our response both personal and corporate to God for who He is, and for what He has done, expressed in and by the things we say, and the way we live. (2)
We worship a God who is Creator. In Genesis He creates man in the imago Dei (image of God) and makes mankind the chosen creation to mirror himself. (3) God is the creator, and He made us sub-creators. We take what He has created first, and we manipulate it to create our own expressions of creativity. We create from a palette placed into our hands by God first. (4) Music is an expression and outworking of this creativity. A worship song is a story-telling document which is put expressively to music in an effort to gather people together in a shared way of creatively learning and expressing that story.
The Kingdom is established by having the king ruling there (Kingdom literally means, ”King’s“ ”Domain“). (5) Worship draws our attention to God, and to who He is as the Creator, King, Saviour and Trinity. It also draws us to his agenda of justice, spirituality, relationship and beauty. (6) Worship teaches us and creates in us a lifestyle that is continually permeating with these echoes of God, making us Kingdom extenders as we go about our lives as living sacrifices to God and mirroring who He is to this broken world.
The first hurdle to overcome as a worship leader is tapping into the bigger picture. One can easily get trapped into thinking that our worship set of five songs on a Sunday is the ”worship time“, dividing the rest of the week into a time that isn’t. Worship is a lifestyle, so we should be encouraging those we lead into that lifestyle - one that is rich in understanding of who God is, what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do. We can not lead this if we have not gone there ourselves. (7)
We worship a God who has created us as his image bearers, as creative people. Artistic creativity should be used to show people glimpses of what this lifestyle of sacrifice should look like, but the music itself should not take over our focus and become the main thing we aim at. Our worship (lifestyle) should richly and continually be centred (aligned) on God, and our leading should be mirroring that weither - weither it is with artistic creativity or through normal day-to-day tasks.
(1) Romans 12:1 NLT
(2) Louie Giglio, Worship - That thing we do DVD, Session 4
(3) Genesis 1:26-27
(4) Dan Wilt, The nature of the human being, p4
(5) Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth
(6) N.T. Wright, Simply Christian
(7) Dr. Peter Davids, The importance of scripture study for modern worship leaders
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sermon points from last night..
- Who am I in this parable? - It's interesting to note that when reading parables, we often forget to do this, and sometimes we aren't what we expect to be. In this parable, Jesus explained that the Kingdom was like a mustard seed, or the yeast. so we are not those things. So what are we? The soil, and the dough. This is important to realise.
- The tiniest seed, the smallest amount of yeast - The smallest of seeds still have the potential to grow into the biggest of crop, and the smallest amount of yeast permeates deeply into the dough. God doesn't plant something with the intention of it staying small, He sees the potential outcome it can become and calls forward growth.
- Growing and baking - This is what these parables are all about. It is about the growth that the two different things go through.
- Soil, light and water - These three things are what a seed needs for growth. In Luke 8, Jesus already taught on what kinds of soils we can be (as remember, we are the soil in this parable) so what about the other two needs? Psalm 119: 105 and 130 beautifully paints us a picture of the word of God being our lamp, our light to our path. So one of the things we need for growth? Light. Which is what? The word. Isaiah 44:3-4 then talks about God pouring his Spirit out upon his people, like water to a withered plant. Our other need for growth? Water, which is God's Spirit.
- Balancing act - Too much water and the plant drowns, too much light and the plant withers. We have to have a balance of both the word and the Spirit. We can't just get by on having fun with the Spirit all the time, because we too will drown. We can't just stick our noses into our Bibles and debate and argue over minor details, cause we then become dry.
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008
Dark Night
Friday, July 25, 2008
A document worth responding to.
A document is interesting because once it is created, it is then up to the reader to valuate it's importance and weither to pay attention to it or not. The document doesn't have a say in it.
The Treaty of Waitangi, the Bible, a note on the kitchen bench, an article in the paper, a book by C.S. Lewis or a blog by me...they are all documents that are powerless unless engaged with. They all have importance, but only if used. In some weird fashion, the document itself won't change the world, but the response of the reader may.
This week I had to write an overview "document"of all the things I have been learning over the last few weeks of my course, and in doing so have now produced something that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since finishing it. But, it is my response to this that will make the change. I can map out what the job is at hand, what the nature of a human being is and what lies ahead - but will I respond to it? Will I commit to the process of letting it change the way I go about doing my day-to-day tasks?
A contemporary worship song - in essence, a creative theological document to music - can pull at my heart strings, tugg at my emotions, and can lead me to sing all sorts of words. I can say the grandest promises to God during the moment, but have I engaged with what I am singing? Have I actually realised what I just said? What the consequences of my words are? (It's also interesting to note how many songs are just plagarised out of the ultimate document, the living word, the Bible.)
It is my response to this document put to an easy to sing, catchy and quite likeable tune that could change wether a poor person eats tomorrow.
It is my response in the car listening to Ryan Delmore's "Break me heart with your love" as to weither I am going to forgive that person I have had the falling out with - and do something about it.
It is my response to telling the Lord that I will go where-ever He sends me, and then actually listening to Him about where that is.
(This one is going to be left un finished as I ponder more on responses to documents.)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A joke?
'Oh, is that so? Tell me...' replies God.
'Well', says the scientist, 'we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man.'
'Well, that's interesting. Show Me. '
So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.
'Oh no, no, no...' interrupts God,
(I love this...)
'Get your own dirt.'
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Christian worldview overview underview sideview...
(2) Exodus 3:14
(3) Wilt, The nature of a human being
(4) Philippians 2:27 and 3:20
(5) John 1:14
(6) Wright, Simply Christian
(7) Johnson, When Heaven invades earth
(8) and (9) Wright, The road to new creation
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
What does it mean to be a human being?
Verse 27 has been highlighted in two parts; “So God created people in his own image;” is highlighted orange, and “God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them” is highlighted yellow. A faded yellow. It’s probably been there 3 years, the orange is far more fresh, perhaps one year.
Then, in verse 28, fresh highlighting from only 6 months ago at a conference has scrawled over “Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals.” Next to it, I have written “The original commission.”
What does it mean to be human? You only have to look at my Bible, on the first page to realise. We were given a huge privilege...and we ruined it all.
Being fully human means that there is a long, hard fought process to figuring any of this thing out. Wright writes “Wise Christian worship takes into account the fact that creation has gone horribly wrong, has been corrupted and spoiled, so that a great fault line runs down the middle of it - and down the middle of all of us, who, as image-bearing human beings, were meant to be taking care of it.”
My highlighting in my Bible is a perfect example of this. A few years ago, I highlighted the first verse, something in me stirring at the fact that God patterned us after himself. The process began.
Years later, I have had fresh revelation after watching Dan’s video “The nature of the human being” and reading the various media for this week, and the process that has been going in my life through these different moments of reading these verses, has finally been pulled together into a more tidy pile of theological thinking. It is not complete, but it has been pulled together tighter, with a bit more structure, and with a bigger picture painted. But this is just another part of the struggle that rages on, a struggle for my attention between the Creator, and the Fall. I am torn between.
What does it mean to be human? It means a struggle. It means fronting up to the fact that all is not actually “cosy and nice”. It means realising that we took the most amazing gift of all time - being made the imago Dei - and crushed it into the ground in an effort to become higher than it and the One who created it.
And now, things take time to figure out, and things take years to realise. Because of our ego’s, our pride, and our own echo inside us which says “I can be the creator...I can be the one...” we are blinded, side-tracked and quite often have our gaze set shamefully on our own feet, rather than lifted to heaven in adoration of the One who started this whole thing off with a different plan in mind.
The nature of the human being, is being the imago Dei, who ruined things. As John Newton calls the human being in his famous song, Amazing Grace - “a wretch like me.”
It’s weird though, how an understanding of this then opens a can of worms to how amazing God’s grace actually is.
Monday, July 14, 2008
2 New Albums...

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Working with what we already have
During our camp this weekend, I was playing some more soccer and noticed something flapping around in my sock. I removed my shoes and socks to find a large piece of skin, which was about the size of a matchbox. (Sorry about how gross this all kind of is...)
The weird thing is this; upon holding that piece of skin and looking at it, the Holy Spirit used it as an opportunity and I found myself looking at it in awe, saying “No human hand has ever been able to make this stuff.”
I looked down at my other foot which still had my shoe on it. My shoe was made of materials that man had manipulated to create various kinds of leathers and rubbers.
My clothes were made of different kinds of cottons, again, just a material that man has made by taking a cotton plant and spinning it into yarn or thread. Again, just manipulating something that already exists.
In my hand, I held a piece of skin. Something that mankind has never and I even boldly write - will never - be able to make out of thin air.
Skin, cows, tree sap and cotton plants all have something in common... We didn’t make them. He, the Creator, did.
Dan Wilt puts it pretty good in this quote “Our wildest creations as human beings, with all due respect to the great scientists of this world, have always begun with something that God already created. We have yet to make our own dust out of which to make a human being. We have yet to create a new colour, a new air to breathe or a new building block of life. We work with what is, and we manipulate what is in order to discover, explore and rejoice in the world for which we are made.”

The new Generation
One who’s hearts leap in response to the Message.
One who’s hearts jump to the sound of a well-hit drum kit.
One who’s hearts break for the things on our Father’s heart.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Winterstock 08

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Songs for the present reality (ICEWS, e*b 08)

The Kingdom and the King
This is my answer to this week's question for my Essentials*Blue worship theology and worldview course. Thought I would post it here for you to have a glance at. The question is based out of reading section two of N.T. Wright's book, Simply Christian and watching a great bit of media by Dan Wilt entitled The Nature of God...
Upon reading this section of the book, I found myself leaning back, putting my hands through my hair, widening my eyes and sighing out heavily. “This thing is just so BIG” I thought to myself. And it is because of that intense “bigness”, I am feeling passionate, excited and thriving on every time the “Kingdom” pops up in our discussions.
Let me ground something here. I love the “Kingdom theology”. I have studied it, I have poured myself into trying to live a Kingdom lifestyle for years now and if you get me into a cafe for a coffee, we won’t leave without me at least once talking to you passionately about something to do with “the Kingdom”.
And I think that is what has challenged me, yet again. (When will you learn Dan?!) The Kingdom is a huge topic. It is not something we just read in a few pages of a book, or listen to a Wimber teaching, or pray a few prayers and we have then mastered. The history, the characters, the positioning, the timing, the attitudes, the blessings, the war, the outcomes, the struggles, the faith... and so-on and so-on... It is a life pursuit that lies before us.
“Seek first the Kingdom” Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, and I see why. When we let other things become first, the Kingdom isn’t anymore. And when the Kingdom story isn’t in the front of our thinking and manifesting in our actions, we start thinking about other things which aren’t so important and send us down a side-track of time-wasting, people-pleasing or ego-feeding instead.
As for the four theological ideas on the Nature of God, I immediately struggle and debate which I would isolate as the one to use. But after biting the clicker-bit off my pen and procrastinating and changing over my vinyl I was listening to, I am reminded of how when the word “Kingdom” is broken down, it means the “King’s domain”.
It would be impossible to raise up a strong Kingdom-influenced church without worshipping the King, learning about the King, and declaring who the King is in our worship.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Joel Auge

Take me to, take me to
Where you took Peter and the boys
Calmed the stormy noise
Made it so they knew
They had to trust in you
Walk with me
Talk with me
I want to know what you would say
If you had me face to face
What would I do
With my feet out on the blue
What would I do
With my feet out on the blue
Would I know that I was safe
By your side out on the waves
Would you tell don’t look down
Keep your eyes fixed on me now
When the waves wrap at your feet
Don’t you worry, look to me
Make me move
Make me move
I want to be what you’re about
And not have any doubt in you
Be what you want me to
Even as my brain tells me that I should drown
I still so believe that you would never let me down
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Worship Artisan title reflection (ICEWS, e*b08)
Buildings of theology. (ICEWS, e*b 08)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Breathing in...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Planetshakers album is ok...

Monday, June 30, 2008
Gab's communion message

Gab brought the house down with this one last night, I'm so proud of her cause it's her first time doing anything like this at church. I'm usually the one up the front, it was wonderful to see the tides turn!
"When I was processing what I should do for communion tonight, I was talking with Dan and he asked me what communion means to me. What came to mind almost instantly was that communion for me is a way of remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice, it”s a way to pay tribute and honour HIs sacrifice. So what I thought would be a good way illustrate my thoughts was through using the movie Saving Private Ryan.
In the movie, it opens with an old man, formerly known as Pt. Ryan, heading to visit one of the thousands of graves at a World War II memorial grave site. Upon seeing a certain grave he stops and begins to think back on an event that obviously changed his life. The movie then heads into the landing at D-day, when Tom Hanks who plays Ct. John Miller is given a special mission to go behind enemy lines and rescue one man. Questions are raised, why are the lives of 8 men worth endangering for one man? As the story continues and a few men have died in the squad, a further question is raised, what is so special about this one man? The squad find him, and defend a town against German attack. During this Ct. Miller is shot just as the battle is won and Pt. Ryan comes up to him and Ct. Miller says “Earn this”.
The lives of 6 men were lost so that Pt. Ryan could be found. The movie ends with this scene...
We all have our own version of Saving Pt. Ryan in our life, in our story. We all have our own Ct. Miller who is Jesus Christ, the word who took on flesh, and came on a mission to save all of mankind. The outcome? We too are saved, we have come home. Communion is our chance to stop and remember that sacrifice.
What I felt was most significant from this was that for Pt. Ryan, the reality of the sacrifice made for him didn’t fully become real until he saw the grave of the Ct. It seems like he was convicted by this reality, he panics and asks himself, did I deserve that sacrifice? Have I lived up to it and earned it?
In Romans 12:1 it says this: And so dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind he will accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?
As we come to communion tonight we are like Pt. Ryan visiting that grave site, are we living in a way where we are paying back the debt that Christ paid for us. Have we as this verse says given back to God? As we come to communion tonight I encourage you to think about this. Am I a living sacrifice to God?
Finally as the movie closes he salutes the Ct.’s cross, realising that he must continue with living his life the best he can in honour of that sacrifice. He lifts his chin, straightens his shoulders, and snaps a salute almost as if to say I’m back onto it sir, and I won’t let you down.
As we take communion tonight, as we reflect on the sacrifice that was laid down for our freedom will we too commit to living our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him? In a way that makes him proud, and in a way that returns the debt?
So I invite you to the table. "
Friday, June 27, 2008
Apostle Mel...

I watched Braveheart with some of my mates last night, and one line just won't let me go. It's a line that sums up Simon Peter, it's a line that sums up Paul, it's a line that sums up every martyr in history and every person who has committed their life to extending the Kingdom in a sold-out, who-cares, no-turning-back kind of way...
Last weekend of freedom
Thursday, June 26, 2008
xSunday schoolx parachute application
Take it back!
"You're just like your Father"
“I do this because I love you, it says so in the Bible, but I do this in love, not in anger or hate...” That was a common one after a good smack, and at the time I used to be like “Yeah right...that totally makes sense...” But now I am grateful, I am grateful that I can look back on my smacks almost fondly. Sure, the pain is gone and the reason for them is mostly forgotten (there are a few I can still remember why...) but the lesson of them is imprinted in my heart. It wasn’t the smack, it wasn’t weither it was the hand or the belt, it wasn’t weither it 1 or 10, it was the “I love you” and the hug after that made me the man I am becoming today. I will never forget that, no one can forget your hugs Dad.
“If I could leave a tape recorder in there recording the dribble coming out of your mouth and show you...” Well, this one hasn’t changed yet. But I am working on James 3 and applying it to my life Dad. But remember this one Dad? - “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” I have never forgotten that one, and it is carried with me day and night now. I think I knew that scripture before John 3:16 hahaha. But seriously, I would like to think I could teach at least half as well as you do one day, then I will feel I have gotten somewhere. And the whole thing of your introductions taking the first 40 minutes of your sermons, well, you will pleased to know that last Tuesday I did my first “Introduction-only” sermon... I think I have that in my DNA that one, I was just in denial that it would come out of me too...
“You just try it again, and if you do, I can go out to your precious Honda and in 30 seconds have it so you can never drive it again...” Enough said with that one. That one makes you sound like a total bad-ass of a criminal, kind of Nicholas Cage in Gone in 60 seconds. I learned to never call you a “w****r” again after that one.
The way Gab looks at me when I start getting into a discussion about a certain brand of car, or electronic appliance, or guitar or World War II moment with someone WHO IS WRONG, and her look is saying only one thing “You’re just like your Father Dan Sheed.” Well, so I am, and damn proud to be too.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dogwood are the best band in the world, and here is why.
I love a God no one can see.
You put your trust into thin air.
That’s what they all told me.
But I believed because of fear,
And I can see you crystal clear.
I know that you will, meet me here.
I walk the narrow path.
Perplexed and befuddled.
I’m persecuted, plagued and I’m troubled.
My past my history,
My future’s a mystery.
There’s only one certain thing
That’s for sure.
It’s my God who is so real.
He makes my life easier to deal.
With the aid of his goodness.
I experience true bliss.
Do you understand your life is in his hands?
Confusion is my hat;
Centrifuge of hurt is where I’m at.
I request some help with that.
My past my history,
My future’s a mystery.
There’s only one certain thing that’s for sure.
It’s my God who is so real.
He makes my life easier to deal.
With the aid of his goodness.
I experience true bliss.
Do you understand your life is in his hands?
I have faith no one believes
I love a God no one can see.
You put your trust into thin air.
That’s what they all told me.
The size of a seed,
Eternal life,
It's all you need.
Work your will,
My life is yours,
Rejoice in You Lord.
My faith in you will never die.
Live fast,
Die slow.
Stand back,
Let go.
Choose life.
You'll see,
How awesome it is when God sets you free,
Live eternally.
I built the cross where He was slain.
My sins,
The hands that held the hammer that drove the nails through His skin.
Someday I win.
I want to make it up.
I want to die to myself for You.
It makes me fall apart,
When I think of all that You went through.
I owe my all to You. (I owe my all to You)
Because when it came to do or die.
You died for me,
Though I would be nothing perfect,
For human eyes to see.
My hands are Yours for works.
My eyes will seek until I've found You.
My legs will walk the earth,
Until You tell me my work is through.
I want to make it up,
I want to die to myself for You,
you are the one that i love,
i owe my all to you (i owe my all to you)
I met the Son of God today,
He said "I forgive you for My pain"
He took my sin that held the hammer
that drove the nails through His skin,
He said I win.
I'm a new creation through You,
Created for You by You.
So make me worth Your while,
Put me to use.
you are the one that i love,
I owe my all to you (i owe my all to you)
I met the Son of God today,
He said "I forgive you for My pain"
He took my sin that held the hammer
that drove the nails through His skin,
He said I win.
I'm a new creation through You,
Created for You by You.
So make me worth Your while,
Put me to use.