Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sermon points from last night..

So here's my quick-blog-overview-with-bullet-point-notes from what I spoke on last night...

Luke 13 - The Parables of the mustard seed and yeast
  1. Who am I in this parable? - It's interesting to note that when reading parables, we often forget to do this, and sometimes we aren't what we expect to be. In this parable, Jesus explained that the Kingdom was like a mustard seed, or the yeast. so we are not those things. So what are we? The soil, and the dough. This is important to realise.
  2. The tiniest seed, the smallest amount of yeast - The smallest of seeds still have the potential to grow into the biggest of crop, and the smallest amount of yeast permeates deeply into the dough. God doesn't plant something with the intention of it staying small, He sees the potential outcome it can become and calls forward growth. 
  3. Growing and baking - This is what these parables are all about. It is about the growth that the two different things go through.
  4. Soil, light and water - These three things are what a seed needs for growth. In Luke 8, Jesus already taught on what kinds of soils we can be (as remember, we are the soil in this parable) so what about the other two needs? Psalm 119: 105 and 130 beautifully paints us a picture of the word of God being our lamp, our light to our path. So one of the things we need for growth? Light. Which is what? The word. Isaiah 44:3-4 then talks about God pouring his Spirit out upon his people, like water to a withered plant. Our other need for growth? Water, which is God's Spirit.
  5. Balancing act - Too much water and the plant drowns, too much light and the plant withers. We have to have a balance of both the word and the Spirit. We can't just get by on having fun with the Spirit all the time, because we too will drown. We can't just stick our noses into our Bibles and debate and argue over minor details, cause we then become dry.
That's a rough and very shortened version for you, I hope it blesses you in some way :)

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